The content just keeps coming. Top trainer, hater of aeroplanes and aspiring film maker Jon Pegg gave time on his lockdown Sunday to speak to Ben at SimBoxx
BJ – First of all Jon, thanks for your time. This Covid 19 has put a delay on Sam Eggington’s next fight. How had camp being going and how is Sam coping?
JP – Camp had gone pretty much as planned and as previous. Weight is in a much better place. He’s coping well as he’s very much a stay at home with wife and kids guy, So its not bothered him much to be honest.
BJ – Apart from Sam’s fight, has this all had any other effects? Gym closed etc?
JP – We shut the gym early. We had 4 shows planned throughout March and April in Birmingham and I had 10 lads on the channel 5 show. Obviously with what’s going on at the moment it isn’t an issue. Looking to the future, I can see that when all is back to normal, things we saw as a problem before will be a welcome break to our current situation.
BJ – I heard a story that you made a venture into the movie business? Is it true and any other plans to do it again?
JP – Well, its a hobby of mine thats turned into something a bit more. I have just created a pilot for a series thats doing well on the film festival circuit. I’d love to get the green light for something bigger. Strangely enough, its an end of the world scenario and how a group of strangers cope with isolation.
BJ – Recently listened to you on an episode of Macklin’s Take podcast, is your fear of flying really that bad?
JP – Yes it really is that bad. Recently I drove 1200 miles rather than fly 2 hours. I’ve flew twice in the last 20 odd years. Its really not something I like.
BJ – Finally, when all is normal, what’s the plan for 2020?
JP – Just back to the grind, making champions, teaching kids how to be their best. Hopefully win a few more film festivals!
BJ – Thank you so much Jon. Take it easy and please send me that link to series!
JP – Your welcome.
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